Morning Creek Elementary Foundation

Where Do Our Donations Go?
We know. It seems like we're always asking for money. You're not wrong. We commit every year to raising enough funds to cover the programs we have invested in year after year.
For example, when we budget for the Wheeling Program, we take on a six figure financial burden, plus supplies and materials. For 2024-2025, the exact number is $120,000.
To put it in perspective, our largest fundraiser of the year, the Apex Fundraiser, netted us $56,000. So we're less than half way to where we need to be.
Before you ask us how we spend the money, please know that our Foundation is 100% volunteer based, so we don't pay for any administrative salaries or personnel. We utilize best practices, such as using our 501(c)(3) status to get the best rates and discounts on everything from our website platform to our Quickbooks subscription, all the way down to the merchant processing fees on all of our payment portals. With that said, our general operating costs are less than $3,000 every year. And we're working on a plan to offset that minimal amount by earning interest income.
For full transparency, check out how we spent our money in 2023-2024 below: